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window.location.pathname always return localhost
Why window.location.pathname always return localhost
When I’m on the root of the site it’s fine. But when I’m on a page that requires a login it always returns localhost.
I tried
window.location.pathname == ‘localhost:port/dashboard’
Is it because the login page is on a different domain?
The value of window.location.pathname will depend on the page’s URL. For example, if you navigate to then window.location.pathname will return script.php.
If you navigate to then window.location.pathname will return /file.php, since the URI ends with /file.php (regardless of whether or not myvar has a value).
For what it’s worth, window.location.pathname is an excellent way to get a clean and simple URL from within your page — it’s basically the same as using window.location.href, except that it will strip the path and query from the “original” URL (i.e. the URL that the user gets after they’ve clicked a link or navigated to a page).
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We describe an atypical case of twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS), in which hydrops fetalis developed early in gestation and was resolved before 20 weeks. The donor twin was a normal female with an estimated gestational age of 17 weeks, weighing 1051 g, and had balanced karyotype. This was co-incidental with selective differential expression of the Y-linked amelogenin gene in the donor. The recipient twin developed clinically with polyhydramnios and twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) was diagnosed by ultrasonography at 18 weeks. Persistent hemodynamic imbalance between the fetuses was confirmed by Doppler flow velocity waveforms. At 19 weeks the recipient was delivered by cesarean section due to failure to progress, and the donor twin had an Apgar score of 7 at one minute. Because of the polyhydramnios a distal myelomeningocele was diagnosed at 22 weeks of gestation. The donor showed balanced karyotype and normal amelogenin expression. Postnatally, the recipient developed severe nephroblastomatosis. At the age of 6 months the donor twin had an estimated gestational age of 25 weeks, weighing 750 g. The donor was delivered by cesarean section due to premature rupture of membranes. An Apgar score of 6 at one minute was achieved. Both
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