Metanull Crack Full Version Free 🔗

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Metanull Crack+ Full Product Key

– Removal of EXIF, IPTC, XMP, GPS info
– Size reduction of files, based on the JPG size reduction algorithm
– Removal of metadata info from multiple images at once
– The original folder structure is preserved
– High speed and small resource requirements
– Easy to use and free
– Advanced options
– Multiple file processing
– Preview for each action
– Saving report
– Log file details
– Usage tips
– Control hot keys
– Side-by-side preview
– Image rotation
– Image rotation tools
– Image rotation tools on both sides
– Thumbnail generation
– Enables/disables the thumbnail creation
– Pan and zoom image
– Image compression
– Supports JPEG and raw images
– Shortcut keys
– Clean the cache
– Support themes
– Hijacker
– Toolbars, dockable
– Expose thumbnail in thumbnail folder
– Automatic/manual thumbnail creation
– Supports JPEG 2000 and TIFF
– Support file path
– Support direct/dynamic loading of modules
– Works with both JPEG and raw images
– Supports batch mode
– Supports small mode
– Support batch mode/direct mode
– Supports default mode
– Supports subfolders mode
– Support batch mode/dynamic mode
– Supports batch mode/direct mode/default mode
– Supports default mode/subfolders mode
– Support batch mode/direct mode/default mode
– Supports default mode/subfolders mode
– Supports dynamic loading/embedding
– Supports custom image size selection
– Supports text info editing
– Supports custom image size selection
– Supports text info editing
– Supports batch mode
– Supports text info editing
– Supports setting of the aspect ratio
– Supports batch mode
– Supports text info editing
– Supports custom image size selection
– Supports text info editing
– Supports custom image size selection
– Supports setting of the aspect ratio
– Supports batch mode
– Supports text info editing
– Supports setting of the custom default value
– Supports text info editing
– Supports setting of the custom default value
– Supports custom frame size selection
– Supports text info editing
– Supports setting of the aspect ratio
– Supports batch mode
– Supports text info editing
– Supports setting of the custom default value
– Supports text info editing
– Supports image and frame size selection
– Supports clipping/autoclipping image
– Supports custom image size selection
– Supports setting of the

Metanull [Updated]

– Save the EXIF, IPTC, XMP and GPS information
– Find any directories in the file browser, which contain photos
– Search for multiple images
– Image size reduction: Save/Reduce EXIF size, add IPTC/XMP/GPS data
– Edit/Apply EXIF metadata settings on the fly
– Invert (mute) the entire EXIF/IPTC/XMP/GPS data
– Invert/mute specific tags
– Edit IPTC/XMP/GPS text with the help of graphical interface
– Apply new settings to the EXIF
– Remove unneeded tags and set custom filters
– Re-sort the items via drag&drop
– Drag&Drop images from file explorer
– Delete/rename a folder with all the photos
– Use pre-set folder names
– (Customizable) select tags to remove
– (Customizable) select tags to add
– (Customizable) select tags to ignore
– Compress/encode JPEG images
– Keep the original format (JPG)
– Use the original folder structure
– Show log details
– Create/Save log file
– Delete log file after completion
– Use most commonly used tags
– Use custom tags
– (Customizable) select image size
– (Customizable) use custom file paths
– (Customizable) output folder name
– Use a pre-selected size (square, rectangular, square, stretched)
– Default size option
– (Customizable) set custom size
– Reduces EXIF size (save 1% of the file size)
– Adds IPTC/XMP/GPS data
– Choose custom parts of EXIF/IPTC/XMP/GPS data
– Type of content: IPTC, EXIF, XMP, GPS
– Make sure you don’t remove header information
– Show header options
– Show comments
– (Customizable) show thumbnails
– (Customizable) output log file
– Choose image resolution
– (Customizable) set custom output folder
– (Customizable) specify the resolution
– Output all images in a single folder
– (Customizable) select image quality
– (Customizable) select image compression
– (Customizable) set custom file names
– Remove header
– Remove footer
– Save in same directory as original
– Specify save directory
– Specify the file

Metanull Patch With Serial Key

I’m a amateur photographer who likes to use my camera to record the current image as well as my thoughts about it. For that, I add a lot of metadata to the images, but I don’t know how to do it and I don’t like having to deal with it later.
I used to use ExifTool ( for the job, but recently I discovered that they are not updated for Windows 7 and later. ExifTool does have a Windows version, but it is too slow for my purposes and requires too much RAM.
This project is aimed at eliminating the problem.
The program gives you the chance to get rid of all your photos’ metadata. Once you’ve decided what you want to keep, you can remove any of the automatically selected metadata fields.
You can also remove a certain number of the program’s current options, like:

Original size
Current size
Image Quality
Image date
Image date/time
Original author/owner/creator
Photo location
Photo location/
Photo location/
Photo location/
Date taken
Camera make and model
Camera make and model
Camera make and model
Camera make and model

You can also remove a specific field if you know what it is. If you don’t know the value that you want to remove, you can select the whole field and press the button.
You can also set a custom size for the resulting image. You can use this to have a smaller picture and keep some of the original data.
Another possibility is that you can select multiple images and set the photo-quality percentage. This means that you’ll get one with an acceptable level of image quality but with a reduced size.
You can also select multiple images and set the photo-location percentage. This means that you’ll get one with a reduced size and location with the desired place.

Metanull Features:

+ Simple user interface
+ Automatic saving
+ Easy to use
+ Small in size
+ Easy to install
+ Automatic updates
+ Completely portable
+ Minimal CPU and RAM usage
+ Compatible with all recent versions of Windows
+ Customizable
+ Runs from USB without registry or HDD editing
+ Free for commercial use

Metanull Settings:

+ Settings folder
+ Use a settings folder to save selected metadata
+ Original size: select or move the checkbox to specify the

What’s New In?

Metanull is a small-sized and portable application developed for removing EXIF, IPTC, XMP and GPS information from JPEG files.
It comes in handy whenever you want to reduce the total size of images saved on a digital camera or other removable device.
Since installation is not a prerequisite, Metanull can be run on any workstation directly from a pen drive or other similar removable device.
Plus, it does not add new entries to the Windows registry, nor create extra files on the HDD without the user’s consent, as it sometimes happens with installers.
The program is wrapped in a user-friendly GUI, based on a single window with a well-defined layout, facilitating quick access to all options available.
Apart from processing a single file (via file browser), you can remove metadata from multiple images at the same time using the folder view, with or without subdirectories. Metanull scans folders to identify JPEG-formatted files, so the location in question may contain additional file types as well.
It is possible to point out a saving directory for the new images and also ask Metanull to preserve the original folder structure. In other words, the utility does not overwrite the original pictures, so creating backups is not necessary.
On the bottom part of the screen are shown log details concerning the original and resulted size for all times, along with the difference, task duration and total images.
The straightforward program uses low CPU and RAM, so it does not affect overall performance. It removes metadata info quickly. The JPG size reduction is noticeable. However, Metanull’s main drawback is that it doesn’t give the possibility of selecting custom metadata parts. Instead, it automatically removes everything.
Nevertheless, Metanull gets the job done and should please users with no experience in graphics editing tools, thanks to its overall simplicity.
Metanull Screenshots:

Download Metanull

*Note: For Windows 10 or 8.1, Metanull doesn’t support 64-bit OS due to 32-bit Office.

Category:Image editing software = -p – z. Is p a prime number?
Let d(n) = -n**3 + 5*n**2 – 7. Is d(4) prime?
Let b be -1*(-2)/(-2) – -3. Let y(r) = -2*r – 7. Let c be y(-5). Suppose -5*j + c*j + 2*w + 40 = 0, -3*j = -b*w – 47. Is j composite?
Suppose -7*v + 5*v + 116 = 0. Is v a prime number?
Let s = 15 + -10. Suppose s*v – 41 = 154. Is v a composite number?

System Requirements For Metanull:

Supported Web Servers: Apache
Web Server Support: Apache
Web Server Requirements:
Python 2.7.x and Django 1.8.x supported.
Google Cloud Storage configured to serve web content with static files.
Public IP address, Subnet, and Hostname.
If your project is run from Cloud SQL and you do not have Cloud SQL running on GCE you will need to first deploy the Cloud SQL service and then deploy your project.
Note: GCE requires the project owner to deploy code to the project

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