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title: ‘Manual installation’
slug: mitchells-xmp-web-server
excerpt: ‘Mitchell’s XMP web server’
section: ‘How to set up MIT-licensed XMP’

**Last updated 18th January 2020**

## Objective

Depending on the project you are setting up, you might need to deal with many MP3 files or with several application/sources that you are able to upload. In this case, a powerful web server is needed. The XMP package will not allow you to share with others any MP3 file that you upload, but if you want to share an application/source containing MP3 files and have the possibility to synchronize other users, a [web server]({{site.baseurl}}/documentation/downloads/web-server/) will be a handy tool.

**Mitchell’s XMP is an MIT-licensed web server. You can use it to:**

– Upload files in XMP format
– Publish an application containing XMP files
– Enable synchronization with other users or groups

**This guide will show you how to install and configure Mitchell’s XMP.**

## Requirements

|— | —|
|Create an application/source with XMP|Create an application that contains MP3 files, but with XMP files and make it public. The XMP files have to be static. You can create them directly in the `applications` folder.|
|Create an application/source that contains XMP files and enable the creation of a new public application|Create a new XMP application. You will need to upload the application file in the `applications` folder.|
|Add an XMP file to the `applications` folder of another public XMP application|Upload your XMP


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